Find a Job - Job Opportunities - Free Online Courses
If you are keen to find a job then study courses can often help. Apparently you can study the MIT "Massachusetts Institute of Technology" courses online for free. You won't get a diploma, but the information has got to be useful too without the diploma ? At least you would hope so.Would it be worth your while ?
Well, just in case you don't know who or what the MIT is, it is ranked No. 2 overall in the world as far as universities go, by the Times Higher Educational Supplement, - I guess Harvard is No. 1. MIT is No. 1 in technology and engineering, and No. 2 in science. So I suspect the answer to my question is - 'yes' (it would be worthwhile) and you can always put it in your CV that you studied the course.
There are a whole load of other rankings over at Wikipedia that show just how good MIT is, so putting courses online for free is quite amazing. I might even have a go at learning something myself ! Although I am a bit of an old dog, so new tricks may come hard.
Courses range from Aeronautics and Architecture through Biology and Chemistry to Mathematics, Women's Studies and Writing, plus a whole load more - you can check it out here MIT FREE COURSES